Burson Timekeeper 3 Integrated


Redefining All-in-One

Squeeze seemingly impossible performance and versatility into impossibly small packages. That has been our self-imposed goal since day one.

In the Burson Conductor Reference, we have squeezed a dual-mono DAC, a fully discrete Pre-amp and an over-killed Class-A headphone amp into an enclosure that looks great alongside a Mac Book.

With the Timekeeper 3i, we have created the ultimate all-in-one by adding a 100w pc Class-AB speaker amplifier into a Conductor! No more cables everywhere! No more shelf full of equipment in your space. There’s just the TK-3i, your headphone/speakers and good times with your music.

Max Current Power Supply

This insane all-in-one is made possible by our proprietary Max Current Power Supply technology, which removed the need for heavy transformers and oversized power caps, delivering instant and clean power directly to the output transistors.

The sum is greater than the parts

Matching between equipment is always challenging. Get it wrong, and you won’t hear the full potential of your system.

With the TK-3i, we are doing the matching for you, from impedance to gain to sonic characteristics. Its DAC, Preamp, Headphone Amp, and Speaker Amp sections come working in perfect synergy.

Advanced Digital

The TK-3i is a dual-mono DAC with one SABRE32/ESS9038Q2M DAC chip per channel. These industry-leading DAC chips are independently powered to maximise dynamics and micro-details while eliminating cross channel interference.

Its XMOS USB chip, again the most advanced money can buy, is customised by Thesycon in Germany to achieve even lower latency and bit-perfect audio playback. The result is incredible processing power, accurately streaming DSD512 and 38bit/786khz audio files.

Smooth Bluetooth

The TK-3i features a Qualcomm/CSR8675 [+] Learn More Bluetooth 5.0 receiver, which streams at 24bit/96khz with aptX HD audio codec., pushing sound quality and ease of use to the highest level.

USB-C Back to Back

With competitors staying in the USB-B age, TK-3i warps into the USB-C future. No more dongles, no more converters. Phones, tablets, Windows or Mac, Plug-n-play!

Keep the Amp, Change the Cans.

Class-A, 2Wpc. The TK-3i is also a true-blue Burson headphone amp. Powered by our MCPS, this 2 Watts is rock solid. With two feedback based gain levels and 100 volume steps each, IEM, no worries. Big cans, no sweat!

From Desktop to Home Auditorium.

The TK-3i features two speaker output levels. One for power-hungry full-range speakers. One for near-field monitoring, which requires an even lower noise floor and much finer volume control.

Time to Game

As if it hasn’t got enough functionalities already! Gaming headset compatibility, ticked.

Movie night, game night or Zoom night. Your time is always prime.

Time Changes

Your musical taste will change through time, and the TK-3i will keep up with you. Change its opamps to tune its sound. With four changeable opamps, the TK-3i will always be a keeper.

Keeping it Cool

Touch and feel the TK-3i then our competition. The difference will be striking. Precision machined, this beautiful aluminium enclosure is also a unified heat-sink, keeping the Class-A headphone amp and Class-AB speaker amp running cool while looking hot.

Go to your Roon!

Roon is the most popular streaming and HD music management platform for audiophiles. Burson is part of this fantastic ecosystem.

Our DACs are Roon Tested, and they seamlessly connect with any 3rd party Roon Ready audio streamers.

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